– Bacillus spp (min) 1,0 x 10^9 CFU/kg
– Lactobacillus Acidophilus (min) 1,0 x 10^9 CFU/kg
– Saccharomyces cerevisiae(min) 10 x 10^9 CFU/kg
– Carrier (Dextrose) enough for 1kg
– Decomposition organic mud, waste substances of shrimp and fish.
– Clean water and pond bottom.
– Mix the product with 20 liters of pond water, splash evenly throughout pond surface and aeration strongly to optimize effects. – Dosage and procedure for using BZ BIO:
2-3 days before stocking shrimp, 454g/1,000m3 of water
+ Month 1st: 227g/ 1.000m3 Use periodically every 7 days.
+ Month 2rd: 454g/ 1.000m3 Use periodically every 7 days.
+ Month 3th: 681g/ 1.000m3 Use periodically every 7 days.
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